Adrian Castro

Based in München, Germany | Italian (C2), Spanish (C2), English (C1), German (B1), French (A2)

M.Sc. Data Engineering and Analytics @ TUM, Munich, Germany, 2019 - 2022

B.Sc. Computer Science @ UniMiB, Milan, Italy, 2016 - 2019

Tacto GmbH, 09/2023 - Present

Senior Data Engineer

  • Leading the company to be data-driven
  • Building a data platform from the ground-up on Azure
IONITY GmbH, 09/2022 - 08/2023

Data Engineer

  • Led the effort of modernizing the entire data structure from the ground-up on AWS, reducing costs by 50%. High availability, scalability and security were the main focus.
  • Modernized the team's development processes by introducing software-engineering methodologies, drastically reducing technical debt and increased trust in data processes
  • Created CI/CD pipelines on GitLab for automated deployments of Terraform code on AWS
  • Created pipelines involving Airflow, Glue and Kinesis Firehose handling hundreds of thousands of records per day coming from tens of sources within and outside our company
  • Increased speed of existing pipelines by 50% to 250%
  • Increased data awareness by setting company-wide standards in terms of data governance and policies
D4L data4life gGmbH., 09/2021 - 08/2022

Software Engineer

  • Led the integration of Notary for securing company's infrastructure
  • Increased productivity by 30% by speeding up Jenkins pipelines and Ansible deployments
Heveloon Ltd., 10/2020 - 09/2022

Software Engineer

Joleat, 2019 - 2022

Technical Co-Founder

  • Pitched our company to hundreds of people
  • Grew the company from 0 to 400 sales in just 6 months
  • Onboarded 60+ business partners to sell on our platform
  • Everything with no capital invested in marketing
UnixMiB, 2017 - Present

Staff Board Member

  • Helped to propose, organize and setup of international events
  • Actively committed to Open Source community
BioDataAnalysis GmbH., 2020 - 08/2021

Software Engineer

  • Developed high-performance C++ internal libraries
  • Worked on frontend applications with data coming from our C++ Thrift APIs
Net2Web Srl., 2017 - 2021

Full-Stack Developer

Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca, 03/2019 - 06/2019


  • Explored and developed a novel algorithm for cancer cell categorization using Particle Swarm Optimization
Bicocca Security Laboratory, 2017 - 2019

Junior Partner

  • Helped to coordinate tasks for security research
  • Learned about state-of-the-art security standards (GDPR)
Linux Day Milano 2019 - Event dedicated to Open Source, GNU/Linux, free software, sharing and open culture
Akademy 2019 - Organized the yearly KDE Akademy with more 200+ people with UnixMiB
MLConf San Francisco 2019 - Helped to organize the yearly MLConf in SF
FOSDEM - Participant since 2019
Papers and Essays
(TUM) Is This Real Life? - An essay about the possible future implications of AI onto society.
(TUM) Exploring and Analyzing Compression Algorithms in Preprocessing Pipelines - A report about my work extending and testing TensorFlow with Zstandard on Machine Learning preprocessing pipelines.
(TUM) Model Parallelism: Challenges, State-of-the-art, and Future Directions - A survey of current state-of-the-art in model parallelism.
(UniMiB) PSO for Cancer Evolution - The aim for the script is to find the optimal cancer evolution tree given an input matrix representing cancer cells
(TUM) WP Collect Implicit Feedback - A WordPress plugin that tracks user clicks and path across the website, with the goal of feeding the data to interactive recommender systems.
CDash CLI Client - CDash API wrapper in Python.
I love to cook every kind of food and dish. I am a big fan of South American cuisine, especially Ecuadorian and Peruvian. I also enjoy kickboxing and piano, although the latter is more like a dead hobby.
My weakness is pausing movies or TV series to explain something happening there.
Technologies and Knowledge
CI/CD • AWS • Azure • DevOps • JavaScript • Node.js • Python • C++ • Backend Development • Data Engineering • Airflow • Batch Data Processing • Event Processing • Deep Learning • Terraform • Linux • Unix • Databases • SQL • REST APIs • High Performance Computing • Distributed Systems • Microservices • Agile Development • Kubernetes
Available on request